
Friday, July 29, 2011

4-H County Fair

When I made plans with a friend earlier this week to go to the county fair on Thursday, I had no idea it would be a day of new adventures!  I thought it would be like most years... eat fair food, walk through the commercial buildings, eating more fair food, walk though the games area and watch people try to win stuffed animals, look at the fair food and think wow that looks really good I wish I wasn't so full, walk though the animal barns, look at the rides, etc.  (Okay, can you tell I like fair food. lol.  How about you?  Is the once-a-year type foods like elephant ears on your mind when you go to the fair?)

First let me start by telling you a little about the Elkhart County 4-H Fair.  The Fair is located in Elkhart County Indiana and it's gigantic.  Seriously, from what I have heard, it's one of the largest 4-H County fairs in the United States!  So, there's always a lot going on from performances of well known singers, to lots of food (yes, I'm talking about fair food again), lots of rides, multiple commercial buildings with a lot of variety of vendors selling their products and services, 2 large craft building displaying handmade items and homegrown foods with the ribbons they won, and oh so many animal building where 4-H-er's can show off the animals they have raised over the year.  Oh, and don't forget the demolition derby on the last night of the Fair.

But with so many activities going on at the Elkhart Fair, I was still taken off guard when we get there and my friend says "Would you go on a helicopter?"  After thinking for a minute, and the shock wore off a tiny bit, I said "Sure!  Sounds like fun."  Now, I don't like heights (I mean, I REALLY DON'T LIKE HEIGHTS), but I do like adventure and I really like to watch the tv show the Amazing Race, so I figured I could try it... once.  After all it couldn't be any worse than flying in a small airplane in Honduras with one propeller that wasn't working correctly, or being flown into a hurricane (and yes, I've experienced both those things).

Now, in case you're wondering, I am not taking about a ride at the fair called "helicopter", I'm referring to a company located next to the fair grounds that gives helicopter rides and offers a discounted price during the week of the fair.  They had a large sign that advertised this discount, which is what my friend saw and led to our getting on a helicopter! 

So, we walk over there, and the closer we get the more I start thinking "What was I thinking!  I don't want to do this!"  But I had said I would go, and I didn't want to back out on my friend.  I knew she really wanted to try it, and the helicopter company won't fly people unless there's two people flying (unless one person pays the cost of 2 people, because of gas being so expensive I'm guessing.)  So, I didn't state my fears.  I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and telling myself "You can do this", and "if you want to get on the Amazing Race you'll have to do scarier things than this".  I would like to be a contestant on The Amazing Race, so ultimately, I think that's what convinced me to follow though with getting on the helicopter.

We pay, and they buckle us in.  The buckle goes across your waist (kind of like a car seat belt) and then 2 more straps come over your shoulders and also buckle into the one at your waist.  I wasn't sure if I should feel better about being buckled in so securely, or more nervous that all the buckles were necessary.

Gulp!  Here we go!

The pilot starts the helicopter, and a few minutes later was are lifting from the ground (and I'm realizing there is no turning back now! lol).  Once we reach about 10' in the air I'm thinking, "Okay, that's high enough", lol.  I don't know how high we actually were (and it's probably best I didn't know), but then we started circling the fair grounds property, and it was incredible!  We could see the grandstands, a pond behind the back of the grounds, the tops of trees, the rides, it was amazing!

 What surprised me the most how how smoothly the helicopter rode and landed.  I've been on some airplanes that had a smooth landing, but they even seemed rough and bumpy compared to riding and landing in this helicopter.

It was awesome, and I would do it again!

  Have you had an amazing adventure?  I've love to hear about it.  Comment below.

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