
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to make sales online with handmade products

How to make sales online with handmade products.

Note: I've update this post, so be sure to scroll down to the update!

Sometimes I do a search on Etsy for items similar to what I'm selling.  I find sellers that have only been on Etsy for a few months that have hundreds of sales, and I wonder... "How do they do it?".   

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that they are selling things, but I want to bring my sales up to.  I imagine it's how they market it.  I see their items listed on the first page of google searches.  But if I understand correctly google lists items according to how many people have clicked on a link in the past.  So, you have to get viewed a LOT before you can get on the first page of google searches.  Right?  And if you're getting that many people to view your items without google, then google can't be the answer to being seen in the first place?   So again, I wonder "how do they do it?".  I wish I had answers, but I don't.  It's just what I've been thinking about today.

edited to add:
After writing the sales post last night, I put in some google searches and came across this helpful article.  It's actually 16 pages long, and I only read through the first page and part of the second page, but even just reading that amount was very helpful.  The author points out that it's more important to have a good site. 

If it's good, you will eventually move up in the rankings.  Plus, just because you're on the first page of ranking, doesn't mean the people clicking on the site are going to buy anything.  That's just a few points.  Check out the article here .

Update: January 2, 2024

Happy New Year.   
As 2023 neared an end and the year 2024 has now began I've been looking back over posts I've written in past years.  I've been thinking about this post for a few weeks; how new to online selling I was at the time I originally wrote this, how I so desperately wanted my business to succeed yet didn't know how to get there, and yes at times even frustrated at some sellers' seemingly fast success. 

Here are a few of the points I've learned from over the years:
  • Make good quality products and Ship quickly so customers will want to return again and again.
  • Write a great description.
  • Good Pictures with white backgrounds are necessary.
  • Be consistent in posting to social media sites.
  • Don't try to start out posting to all sites at once/ get to know one site and how it works before starting another one.
Let's dive into these points a little bit!

1) Make good quality products.  

This is probably obvious, but since it's the most important, I think it still needs to be mentioned first.   If you have everything else great, but your product isn't good you'll have unhappy customers whom will then likely leave negative feedback, and turn away other potential customers.  

So, first test out your product.  Make sure it will hold up under pressure when it's being used for it's purpose.

In addition to the quality products, you also want to be sure to get this terrific product to your customer quickly.  Your customer is looking forward to getting the item they purchased!  Have packing supplies already on hand so that when you get an order you can get it packaged and shipped out the same day or the next day if possible.  
If your items are custom or personalized, but sure to have it clearly listed on your site what your shipping timeframe is so that your customers won't be disappointed in the shipping times.

2)  Write a great description!

Here's where keywords and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in.  I know, that word is everywhere in business classes, today.   If you're anything like me you probably what to go screaming from the room when you hear the word SEO.   Afterall, there's only so many words you can use to describe an item and if everyone uses all those words then how can this help you to get seen above the others?  Right?

Well, here's the thing.  When you write a description for your product you need to let people know what that product is and how to use it.  And those words are your keywords and SEO.   So, don't let the big scary sounding word "SEO" scare you.  Write about your item.

For example, if you're selling crocheted baby booties that look like sneakers, use words like "baby booties", "baby pretend sneakers", "baby slippers", "crocheted baby booties to keep your newborn warm", etc.   Since all those words apply to your items, use them.  If you don't use them, then your ideal customers may not find you.

3 ) Good photos with white backgrounds.

Don't just snap a photo of the item on your cluttered table with all kinds of craft supplies or other things on it.

For one thing, this will make it difficult for the eye to quickly scan a picture and know what's being sold.  And your customers are busy.  They only have so much time to search, and there's a lot of other pictures and websites fighting for their attention.  So make it clear what you're selling and takes photos from many angles so they have a good sense of what it's like.  Remember, they can't pick it up and turn it over to inspect it like they would at a craft show.  So, you need to show it to them.

Secondly, many marketplace websites like etsy and ebay now encourage sellers to list their items with a white background.  Again, it makes it so much easier for their customers to scan listings to find what they're looking for.  Plus, if I remember correctly, Google now wants white photos, so if you want your items to have a better chance of showing up in Google searches you will need those white background.

But you can still add "lifestyle" photos to a listing as the secondary pictures to help customers visualize using the product.

4) Be consistent in posting to social media sites.

I know it's really easy to get busy with all the things required in running a small business, that it's easy to post something once every-so-often when you think of it.  But if you show up consistently your fans and followers will start coming to your site looking forward to what new post you have now.  

I'll admit, this is one I still have a lot of difficultly with.  I get busy with making the items, setting up for my local shows, etc., that I'm still trying to get the hang of posting consistently.  But, it is important.  So, don't give up and if you do miss posting for awhile, jump back on and get started again!

(Oh, and I also want to add, here is a great place to post your "lifestyle" photos.... photos of the item being used, worn, etc.  On social media sites, lifestyle pictures tend to be better than the white background photos.)

5)  Don't try to start out posting to all sites at once/ get to know one site and how it works before starting another one.

There are so many social media sites our there in today's online world.  It can feel overwhelming.  But here's the good news: You don't have to open accounts on every one and start posting to everyone of them.  

Do some research to figure out which site seems to have a large amount of your ideal customers.  Then start your online presence on that site.  Build up one site and get used to doing it.  After you have it going well, then you can consider adding more sites.

Let's use our example of "baby booties that look like sneakers" again.  If you find a site that is very popular for mom's of newborns, than that will likely be a good place to start!

Of course, if you try one site for a few months or a year and you're not getting any interaction or getting sales, than it might be that that is not the right site for you. (That is, if you've been posting good quality lifestyle photos and trying to engage with fans.)  Go ahead and try out another site!

I hope these points help you as your grow your own small business!

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